Thursday, September 18, 2014

Society of Illustrators, Original Art Show 2014

Munching Machines from Junkyard
Peacock Makes Rain from Bucket of Blessings
When we heard Mike's illustration for Junkyard was selected for the Society of Illustrator's 2014 Original Art Show, I was excited and jealous. Having work shown in NYC seems so grown-up. Then several weeks later, HOORAY!— I got the good news that my work for Bucket of Blessings was also selected, they had just forgotten to tell me! Why am I still jealous of Mike? He is heading to New York for the show's opening reception, October 23rd. There is so much beautiful work he'll get to see. And old friends. I TRIPLE LOVE NYC!!!, but I suppose being "stuck" in Hawaii is nothing to complain about. Both books were published through Beach Lane Books an imprint of Simon and Schuster, incredibly grateful to everyone there for these amazing projects !

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